I think we'll do the Simple Woman's Day Book post today.

FOR TODAY January 12th, 2009
Outside My Window... It's dark out already, but it seems to have stopped snowing.
I am thinking... Hmm... I should really bust out my new pink machine and make some pin keeps...
I am thankful for... My three Little Pretties, they're truly a joy in my life. Sometimes a painful joy (kidding), but, a joy all the same.
From the kitchen... I can hear the bag of flour calling me, I need to bake a batch of ginger snaps.
I am wearing... My Pajamas. And my fuzzy robe. Don't judge me.
I am creating... Not a whole lot right now which is odd, but I've got loads of ideas! I've just been uber busy trying to sort this Ebay thing out.
I am going... To paint my toe nails, I'm sure you wanted to know all about that.
I am reading... Nothing right now, can you that too? Unless you count Kijiji... and the Ebay for Dummies book...
I am hoping... To go junking next week. I swear if I don't go weekly I go through withdrawal.
I am hearing... The LPs playing in their room. I'd love to say quietly, alas, that would be a lie.
Around the house... Are signs that the LP's live here. Play here. And make a major mess here. Ugh. Around the house I'll be hauling As... butt to get it straightened out again very shortly...
One of my favorite things... One word. Vintage. I am lurving me some vintage right now. Particularly kitchen items... Did I mention I bought a 50's pink Dolly Madison ice cream maker? Yeah, I did. Why? Because it was vintage. And pink.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Umm... is surviving a plan? If not I'm sort of fresh out of plans, well, aside from junking. And surviving. They kind of feed into each other you know...
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is a newly listed item on Kijiji. That a require. Immediately. I already have th perfect corner for it in my livingroom. Just waiting. Now all I need is the $300 to back it up. No problem. None at all...
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