It's an old canned nursing rocker. Fortunately the caning is in fabulous shape (Thank goodness for that, I am no caner let me tell you!) and all it needs it some loving, some painting, and some wax rubbing, shabby chic style ofcourse. It will then require an adorably delicious shabby frou frou pillow to keep it company. Which I have the technology for. Just look at those legs? Aren't those the most adorable chair legs ever? And that little crown on the top of the back splat? Total sweetness. I may invest is some wood appliques for this piece, I think the back splat needs a little something, but not too much because it's just so sweet all on it's own! Mr. Pretties even likes it, even though we need to drive over an hour away to pick it up... I'll definitely be sharing the end result (seriously, don't be surprised if it's the same as the starting result, I have a tendency to like it a little too much the way it is...)
I was thinking I'd love to do something like 'Makeover Monday' each Monday, and show the end results of furniture we've done, but that would mean we would need to do a piece a week, and by extension buying a piece a week... not sure I could hook Mr. Pretties on that one. Not saying I wont try though ;)
Oh sooo cute! and she found a nice home to go to!!!!