Monday, January 5, 2009

And I'm Back

Things are no returning to normal, well as normal as anything can be in the Pretties household...

Anywho... This was the first year that the BLP actually 'got it' about Christmas, which made it loads more exciting than previous years. Christmas eve we went to take the LPs to look at the Christmas lights, you know, like one of those family things I'm always attempting. Ten minutes into the drive we arrive at a heavily lit area, and it went like this:

Guys look at the lights! Wow, aren't they pretty?! Santa will love those for sure!
LPs in Unison: ZzZzZzZz *snort* ZzZzZzZz...
Me: Guys? Hey, guys... GUYS!!! Ahh come. on. !
LPs still in unison: ZzZzZzZzZz....

*Sigh* thanks guys.
So, Mr. Pretties and I grabbed a coffee and a tea and enjoyed the peace and quiet for a little while. They'd perk up once we get home, no big deal, right? Wrong. They were lifeless little sacks of potatos once in the driveway too. I made a concentrated effort to wake them up so we could do stockings, Santa cookies, etc... No dice. Right off to bed they went. Not even a fight. Not even a glass of freaking water to be asked for! Honestly, when I absolutely need them to go to bed, as in like I need air to breath, it's the equivalent to trying to wrestle down two well greased exersize balls (size large at that) at the very same time while doing the limbo on hot coals. When I expect them to stay up this is what I get? Where did I go wrong?!

So I wrapped the presents, did the stockings, wrote letters from Santa, with my left hand ofcourse, left out a half eaten ginger snap w/ carefully orchastrated crumbs and a sudsy empty bottle of Mr. Pretties work brand crap beer (combined effort with Mr. Pretties. Obviously). We got to bed at 2am.

Now, if you were to ask the LPs what they got for Christmas this is what they'd tell you:

So, did Santa bring you presents this year?
LPs: Yup!
Person: What did he bring?
LPs: Presents!
Person: What kind of persents?
*ready for this?*
LPs: Red ones!!!

I digress. This is from the same children that found some of those styrofoam squares wrapped in foil with a bow from some ancient wreath and said:

'Santa was came already!'
*Opening foil*
'Wowwwww..... (Total amazement here people) Santa brought me a square!!!'

Good. Lord. It totally cracked me up though.

Now that I've shared more about my kids in one post than I have in my entire blog, I shall save my 'haul' post for tomorrow. I did some shopping. Again. Mr. Pretties is arranging removal of Kijiji viewing from our computer as we speak.


  1. The hand print set came out in a flier today. Let me know if you need it and we can set you up :) They show an example with three children's hands on one of the boards.

  2. LOL your kids are funny!! Why do kids always like the packaging so much? Especially the bubble wrap...well it is pretty fun! lol
