EDIT: Twin WashStands = DENIED
What is with people selling things before I see them?! That's not how it's supposed to be at all! But the seller did email me and said 'I'm sorry, it's already sold, for the full asking price even, I'm surprised!' (I told him I'd pay full price, so I didn't lose out because I was bartering) So that kind of made me laugh, for three reasons:
1. He called it an 'Old Cabinet' (It's clearly an antique washstand)
2. He sold it for $40 and thought he hosed someone (In actuality it's worth $100+ and he got hosed)
3. He said 'It may even be antique, but it's old' (It absolutely is an antique, say, 80 or 90 years old...)
So what does someone like me do in the face of a situation like that? I kindly email them back and tell them in a sticky-sweet way that I hope the buyer enjoys their ANTIQUE WASHSTAND because they got a ridiculously good deal on it!
I'm passive aggressive like that.
Was it necessary? Not at all. I kind of feel bad actually, in a not-really-kind-of-way...
Am I always like that? Amost Never. Seriously. I'm the least confrontational person you'll ever meet.
But I really, really needed it. It was one of those few occasions Mr. Pretties actually agreed with me (about needing another piece of furniture, not about emailing the seller, he thought that was rude, that from Mr. Rude himself...) I almost felt a tear when he sold it, how sad is that?! I never do that.
What is with people selling things before I see them?! That's not how it's supposed to be at all! But the seller did email me and said 'I'm sorry, it's already sold, for the full asking price even, I'm surprised!' (I told him I'd pay full price, so I didn't lose out because I was bartering) So that kind of made me laugh, for three reasons:
1. He called it an 'Old Cabinet' (It's clearly an antique washstand)
2. He sold it for $40 and thought he hosed someone (In actuality it's worth $100+ and he got hosed)
3. He said 'It may even be antique, but it's old' (It absolutely is an antique, say, 80 or 90 years old...)
So what does someone like me do in the face of a situation like that? I kindly email them back and tell them in a sticky-sweet way that I hope the buyer enjoys their ANTIQUE WASHSTAND because they got a ridiculously good deal on it!
I'm passive aggressive like that.
Was it necessary? Not at all. I kind of feel bad actually, in a not-really-kind-of-way...
Am I always like that? Amost Never. Seriously. I'm the least confrontational person you'll ever meet.
But I really, really needed it. It was one of those few occasions Mr. Pretties actually agreed with me (about needing another piece of furniture, not about emailing the seller, he thought that was rude, that from Mr. Rude himself...) I almost felt a tear when he sold it, how sad is that?! I never do that.
Alas, another X for Kijiji.
Remember when I was talking about the wash stand Mr. Pretties broke the doors on? Perfect.
Black-Painted-Washstand, say hello to Original-Finish-Washstand, your long lost twin.

Even the hardware is the same, except we're obviously idiots and have ours on upside down... And yes, Black-Painted-Washstands doors only had one knob like that too. They only want $40 for it. I hope someone hasn't bought it because I'm all about having things the same... Mr. Pretties will not be thrilled about this concept. Then again he wasn't thrilled about 'Franken-Buick' either which was a genius idea. Clearly. (Have I told you about that one? I'll have too look and see, if not I will because it was a fabulous concept)
If this has been sold I will cry. Seriously. And please note I have NO place for this to go, I do NOT need it, and it does NOT match anything we have. Motive? To have identical twin washstands... Don't look at me like that, I've been very upfront about my , let's say, quirkiness...
I love that black wash stand WITHOUT the doors! What a great idea!!