FOR TODAY November 24th, 2008...
Outside my window...
It's already dark. I believe it's raining also. My spray paint projects are out there and I'm not getting them.
I am thinking...
Holy cow, I am so tired I might just fall asleep right here. The kids would be fine, right? I'm also thinking 'someone hurry up and pick up this dresser so I can call the man to deliver mine!'
I am thankful for...
Hot bubble baths and Earl Grey tea.
From the kitchen...
I can feel a draft. We've been without heat for three weeks and counting (waiting on replacement boiler, ugh)
I am wearing...
My blue fuzzy pajams.
I am creating...
A black and white family photo wall
I am going...
To go to bed as soon as Mr. Pretties gets here.
I am reading...
Nothing. Which is shocking because I have a new stack of books. I haven't had time to sit and read them quietly at night lately, the LP's have been major night owls.
I am hoping...
That Mr. Pretties doesn't mind he'll have no where to put his clothes once I sell that dresser LoL
I am hearing...
TLB cry, he is angry that he is in his jumper for more than 30 seconds. I know, I suck. This is followed by BP crying because I wont let her get sugar and spaghetti sauce from the kitchen for her play food. Who wouldn't love to sweep up 1,000lbs of sugar for the sake of a perfectly sweet plastic pie?!
Around the house...
Everything has changed. Nothing is where it was last week. It's a good thing.
One of my favorite things...
Currently one of my favorite things is linen bedding. Mmmm.... it has the yummiest smell, the best feeling and truly improves sleep x100
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Oh yes dresser, you will be mine...
I'd love to join you on a junking jaunt. If only I loved closer. I love to junk. I also love to dumpster dive. My husband HATES it. Sometimes he goes with me and helps but not often. We have picked up some good junk! He also doesn't understand painting and distressing. I do it when he is out.