Monday, November 24, 2008

Sometimes Monkeys Die...

... more to the point sometimes people on Kijiji need a punch to the nose.
I'm beginning to think I may have Kijiji issues... If someone says to you 'I will buy this dresser, I can buy it right this second...' and they say 'Okay good, come by tomorrow' and then when you confirm details the next day and they say 'Oh, I thought the person who came and got it was you...' and clearly it was, how do you feel about that? Exactly. Punch. In. The. Face.

But, I'm on to bigger and better things. Alright, maybe not better. It's more like the rebound thing, but I still like it. Once I take off those atrocious red knobs an replace them with more appropriate glass ones...

Fortunately this will also match my 'Queen Mum' inspired 'tea room' (I no longer feel dining room is an appropriate description) and will probably be more useful. Although Mr. Pretties still wont have anywhere to store his clothes... Meh.

Julie - I would love nothing more than to go junking with you. Seriously. I would be more than happy to drive into some dumpsters as well, I'm so not above that. I think maybe I need to take a 'vacation', quite possible within driving distance of your house...


  1. that would be lovely. I am in Missouri.....quite a distance from you and cold weather is not the best for junking or diving here. Maybe this summer you can pack up the little pretties and come for a visit :0)
