Monday, December 22, 2008

Cute Idea...

That I stole. Clearly.
And since I stole it, I will also link to it. This is the Nesters take on cute little take along:

I love this idea! It's so simple, so yummy, and totally adorable. So adorable in fact that I went out and scored myself a cheese dome just like that ;) I also have red peppers and pectin on my shopping list (Read: Mr. Pretties shopping list, I don't do groceries) meaning that I shall be making some Red Pepper Jelly with Cream Cheese, some fancy crackers, an Apple Pie and a Bottle of wine for the land people. I will most definitely be using some ragamuffin strips too. Obviously. Although I renamed the ragamuffin strips 'Ribbonie Tumblie Fluff Fluffs' because there is something wrong upstairs. When I used those words to describe that little pile of scrappy adorableness on Nesters dome Mr. Pretties nearly turned the car around and drove straight to the closest mental health facility. No imagination is his problem.

I just wanted to share that simply sweet (and most importantly, yummy) idea with you all. It wasn't even an original idea, how sad am I? Mr. Pretties is on vacay for the next two weeks though, and we all know how that eats up blogging time. Two words for you Santa. Net. Book. Then I could pretend to be participating in a conversation, family time, whatever, but really be blogging away.

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