I. Hate. You.
Do you know what happens when I read things like that? It activates that little voice in my head. I then have to have the follow discussion. With myself. Look, if you want to know why I talk to myself go read the 'insane' post. Thanks. My conversation with, well, myself goes like this:
LV (Little Voice): Mama noooo! Not the SPCA! Jenn, you can not, I repeat CANNOT let those precious little balls of love go to the SPCA, you know what happens there!
Jenn: Yes LV, I know what happens there! But are you aware that we already have too many cats? And that Mr. Pretties is threatening to move out if we obtain anymore?
LV: And your point is?
Jenn: No point, just saying. Hmm... I wonder if they'd rather me buy them chicken or fish...
MmmHmm. Do these people understand how much trouble they cause me?! Do they know how much flack I take from Mr. Pretties because it is my job single handedly to ensure no felines of my knowledge end up at the SPCA?
I think not.
Now I have a lady wanting to drop me off two orange cats... Yes, orange. Again.
To those people who use the SPCA threat, I have three words for you:

Enough said.
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