Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Happy White Wednesday!

Good morning girlies, how’s it?  We’re doing another rendition of Faded Charm’s fabulous White Wednesday

White wednesday 2

Pop on by and see what white everyone else has going on this morning (afternoon?).

I’ll be honest right now, this is a recycled WW because my camera is on loan until tomorrow, so I was forced to scour the memory card for some white ;)  There’s so many things I want to share with you all that it’s killing me to have to share ‘reruns’ today.  Not to worry, it just means Thrify Thursday will be better.

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On the left is an old piece of architectural salvage that we (I) picked out of the trash last winter.  This thing weighs a ton, no joke, and has made a fabulous plant stand, lamp stand, and currently, an aquarium stand.  It’s one flaw is that it’s missing a piece of it’s fourth leg so it’s best stood in a corner.  I still like it.

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Our freebie dresser from some sweet friends who were going to Sally Ann her a few summers ago.  She’s got a before and after on the blog somewhere.  She’s our front hall dresser now and sweet as a button.

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Not a fabulous photo (and wrongly time stamped I might add) but this washstand is the first old piece Mr. Pretties and I ever bought.  It used to have doors.  The drawer used to work.  We aren’t going to revisit why neither of those things happen now.  I’m sure I’ve blogged it before.  But even still, after all these flaws and six years, I still love her and will always find a place for her to go.  Please don’t mind the mess, we were storing quite a bit of furniture in our bedroom while we got some painting done ;)


One of the most gorgeous dressers I’ve ever seen.  My great friend Jess took this dresser from the rough and turned it into a piece of sheer french decadence.  No surprise it was snapped up in a mighty hurry along with it’s matching tallboy and vanity.  Her work is really so fabulous, she should open a shop!

And this guy is a soon-to-be White Wednesday participant, he’s coming home tomorrow night and going in for a makeover.


We’ll see how that goes, but I have great visions of this guy turning out fabulously handsome (or into a girl, once a piece is shabbied, does that automatically make it female? Probably, eh?) And happily last weeks White Wednesday dresser was sold this weekend so she’ll be delivered to her new home Friday night.  There really is nothing better than working really hard to make something beautiful and unique and have someone really, really love it.  Also walking around your house telling you how cute everything is doesn’t hurt either.  I love it when people ‘get it’.

I can’t wait to see what everyone else has dug up for today, I’m always amazed at how you all can keep WW looking fresh and new week after week!

See you tomorrow with some thrifty finds!




  1. I loved all of your white treasures.
    It is fun to see how they turn into such beauties after a little bit of paint and hard work.
    Enjoying White Wed. Hope you will stop by.

  2. I'm kind of wishing I was there to pick that plant stand out of the trash before you. :-) I loveeeee it!!

    Thanks for "visiting" me today! Glad to be home. Sort of. ;-)

  3. Great whites! I especially like the architectural piece. Thanks for sharing today.

    Enjoy your Wednesday.


  4. Happy White Wednesday on Thursday. It takes so long to go through all of the blogspots and leave a comment at Faded Charm and I didn't get started until about 4:00 yesterday. Loved your pics, especially the last one. I can't wait to see it finished. My grandmother had one like it.

    come visit
