My keyboard irritates me.
Yeah. That's what I said. LBP knocked the keyboard off my desk a few weeks ago and buggered it, the right half of the keyboard had developed some severe attitude after the fall, but after a few weeks of extensive physical therapy (aka my pounding the keys) it seems to be recuperating nicely. Or something. But in the mean time I had stopped blogging, emailing, or anything that required more than two lines of typing at a time, since that generally took me 40 minutes to accomplish. In the last few days however, the keyboard (or Q-bert as BLP would call it) has made much desirable progress and I can almost type like a normal person again ;) So perhaps I may resume blogging now :)
PS. Please don't ask why we didn't just purchase a new keyboard for a whopping $5. It's not worth it. (To ask, not to buy a new one).
Since I'm still waiting on my new camera (Again. Don't. Ask.) I'll share some pictures that were taken a few weeks ago of our messy bedroom with some of our garage sale-ing treasures painted up, and some before/afters. Mr. Pretties is hopefully picking up a really pretty 1930's bulbous legged dresser for a makeover, and perhaps a sell, so we'll see!
Here we go



After (Not distressed yet and missing glass hardware):

My $5 nightstand - it used to be one side of a 20's or 30's vanity, dovetailed and everthing!

The old black washstand (our first purchase ever that is totally non-functional now) painted 'Penelope Pink', and an old Eastlake chair we bought at Aberfoyle that's in the middle of receiving a black and white toile seat cushion in place of the digustingness that used to be there. Let's not even talk about it. Seriously. So ignore the hanging fabric under the chair, it was a test run ;)

And lastly that $20 dresser from the cancer fundraiser that we made over, sitting happily in our bedroom. My only qualm with the dresser is the drawers weigh a TON. I have a hard time sliding the drawers shut they weigh so much! Oy!

Also, we acquired a new member of our family last week. As a general rule, I don't like birds. I think it has something to do with not being a morning person and the birds outside my window at 5am... I don't know... But they weren't a pet that generally inspired the typing monkeys in my brain to feel 'Aww....' more like a 'Meh...' so it came as a big surprise to Mr. Pretties when I requested this as a birthday gift:

Eggwin, the peach faced lovebird. Who just happens to be defect and missing two toes on one foot and there for was a great deal ;) He's so fun! He knows up to 'step up' on your finger, sit on your shoulder, and is totally not noisey at all unless we've hung him outside to catch some air and he sees the birds at the birdfeeder :) I was afraid since he was parent fed and raised that we were in for a nasty bird and long months of training before we could handle him, but that's not the case at all! He never nips and is so, so sweet! The LPs love him to death, I had no idea a child could enjoy a bird so much. The cats aren't thrilled, but atleast they've completely ignored him, aside from looking at him once in a while if he's tweeting (?). Best of all he probably wont learn to talk, so I wont have to lock him in the closet when company comes for fear of him repeating four letter explivies that he may, or may not have heard around the house.
What have you all been up to out there in blogland?? Just because I haven't been writing doesn't mean I haven't been reading, I'm loving everyone's projects, trash come treasures, and everything inbetween. What did people do before blogging?
Thanks for stopping by. I love your makeovers! And, yes, he does have an adorable face. Haven't heard from you in a bit, how are you?