Thanks to my 'Antiquing for Dummies' book I now know that back in the day (centuries ago) etc... there was no such thing as 'antiques' but there were 'curiosities', and thus the 'curio' cabinet was born, to house your curiosities ofcourse! Very interesting (to me. obviously) I love little tidbits of info like that!
Things haven't been overly eventful in the Pretties household lately. We've got some family in town visiting from Bermuda, so we're going to stop in and see them Friday morning and have lunch with Aunt Pretties, so that'll be nice. We went to a BBQ this past Sunday which was super fun, this might be a scary thought to some of you out there, but, there is another Jenn. Not just like your class list 'Jenn A, Jenn C, JenniferZ, etc...) no, there's another me, and her name is Jess. She loves Aberfoyle almost as much as I do, and on Kijiji we often pick out the same things to buy (fortunately, this hasn't turned into an issue because we're both so sweet and nice. Hahahaha) and our kids are similar in age. It's a nice set up, I like it, I like it a lot! Her husband is also a bit older than her, and Mr. Pretties is definitely older than I am, so we don't feel like freaks on display when we go there for a visit which is super nice. Plus this means I have someone to go antiquing/junking/garage saling with who doesn't whine, complain, and generally make a nuisance of themselves. It's a blessing. Unfortunately we live 40 minutes apart so we don't get to do it regularly. Thank god for email and free long distance plans ;)
We haven't even bought much around here! We picked up that dresser I posted about a few days ago, it's adorable ofcourse but Mr. Pretties and I are at moot point right now. He wants to leave it the way it is (stained and au naturel) and I want to paint it. Ofcourse. So now it's sitting on our back deck because I have no ambition to deal with finding it a place to go (all furniture purchases require an entire household shuffle in order to find an appropriate space for anything), eventually Mr. Pretties will see this and digress about the paint, I'll just wait him out. We're also supposed to go pick this circa 1930's table up this weekend:

We don't need another table (I'm selling our round pedestal to make room) but something about it just speaks to me. I think I'm a huge fan of anything 1920-1940, it's all just so adorable! So hopefully that pick up works out (you never know with Kijiji sales)
Other than that, it's been pretty quiet. Mr. Pretties is on vacation this coming week so hopefully we'll get in some day trips and stuff with the girls (and LBP), and if luck holds out there'll be a new camera as well. Because if there isn't, I'm not going anywhere. Since the introduction of the digital camera it's become imperative to have a camera on all outings in order to document them, if this is not possible then we can't go out. Sad, eh? I better check out a self help book for that situation...
I think everyone else out there in home decor/junking/antiquing/shabbying blogland must've known about Southern Hospitality and Rhoda's Tuesday Thrifty Treasure Finds Mr. Linky parties! If there is anything I enjoy more than junking/thrifting/garage saling/antiquing, it's reading about other people doing it and seeing what they found! I cannot believe this existed and I had no idea. Believe you me, when we're back in digital photography land, Meaghan-Marie's will be right in there on that thrifty party, I LOVE doing show and tell (ask Mr. Pretties. He on the other hand regards show and tell as an old estranged smelly uncle. Take that as you will) and many family members and friends (I say many because I'd like to believe there are many...) have been forced to endure show and tell at my house, it's a genetic illness. Seriously. My grandma does it, my aunt does it, I believe my father even does it (in his own way), and I never really 'got it' until we had our own house (by our own house I mean someone else's house that we happen to live in. Yeah.) and stuff that I wanted people to see. So, yeah, if you've been under a rock like me and didn't know this existed - enjoy! And if you did - What the heck?! Someone should have thrown a little info this way... *Sigh*
This weekend is going to be a garage saling/Aberfoyling extravaganza so I should have something to share then :)
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