Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dresser Love - Status Complete

... Or cotton candy meets grunge.

The LP's dresser was completed (mostly, I still want to rub antique medium over the pink to age it a bit more) yesterday and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I promise it's not nearly as 'Barbie' in person, I think the flash makes the pink more vibrant or something. I'm thinking of putting some pink on one of the 'knobs' on the mirror cradle to pull the pink up, but we'll see. I also have to paste wax it, but you get the idea.


After (The original 'Dresser Love' is the inbetween):

The drawers are pink inside as well and will have pink toile paper podged to the bottoms, because, you know, everyone invests time looking in the bottom of their drawers, especially 2.5 year olds and 4 year olds...


  1. I LOVE it!
    That turned out great!!!

  2. The dresser looks great!
    One has to imagine it in a room with all of the accessories. The pink will then make sence.
    Your previous post got me chuckling...
    Have a great day!

  3. I like it! Too bad there is no need for pink here :(

  4. The dresser looks Fab!!!! Everyone need a little pink!
