... Or not.
We all know that Mr. Pretties and I are fairly different personalities with different tastes, etc... That's what makes it interesting (or drives me insane... Hmm...) but here are a few observations I've made today. We had to forego 'the house' for several reasons (none of which were mine) and are now looking at a different house in an entirely different area. This is 'the house' according to Mr. Pretties. Personally, I could take it or leave it. Here is a quick comparison to our two houses.
Jenn's House:
*Has a fire pit in, apple trees, a green house, and a wooden swing in the backyard.
*The town is full of antique shops and boutiques.
*The yard is fenced. Entirely. With a white picket fence.
*The town has an annual Cobblestone Festival due to it's cobblestone roads.
*The town is known as 'The Prettiest Town In Ontario'.
Mr. Pretties' House:
*Has a cemetary backing on to the yard.
*Is 'partially' fenced by chain link. When I say partial I mean one side...
*The town has a Giant Tiger. Oh, and a Foodland.
*The town has two annual fairs - the agricultural fair (totally fine) and the poultry fest... Charming...
*The town is known as 'The Poultry Capital of Ontario'.
Do you see the problem here?
In all honestly, Mr. Pretties' house is actually quite nice, it's an older house complete w/bay windows, a back staircase and a large yard. It has the small town feel.
We're going to try and view it tomorrow, we'll see how that goes. A lot of things would have to fall in place a whole lot fast for this to work.
I just think the differences are funny, isn't it amazing how people can live together? (or not?)

Hmm. I'd pick your house too.