Thursday, July 31, 2008
Mr. Pretties Forgot To Obtain Batteries...
I read my own blog, everyday after I post in it. I have a horrible habit of things making sense in my head while I'm typing them, but when I go back and read it it makes zero sense at all or the words are all wrong or something. So if you read a post and end up shaking your head and thinking I must be into the Black Ice a little early, come back and read it again in an hour, it just may make more sense then ;) So because I have no pictures to share I would personally skip my own post today. Some how it's just not the same, but I can't just not post today... that wouldn't feel right either and we all know how I feel about 'right'. So maybe I'll dig out some links instead.
I got my new no-slip grips this morning, woohoo! They feel really great (Yeah, I took them out of their envi and rubbed them, very, very nice) and I bet they work marvelously. I'm going to test them out on the Little Pretties tonight and hopefully they're not only compareable to the old ones, but are much, much better. I like things that're better. Not only that, but the seller who sells them (How lazy am I, I had my no-slip grips cut for me... sue me, it takes forever to cut those suckers!) is super duper nice and she lives in Canada so shipping is speedy fast which I also love! Speaking of speedy shipping, or not, my flat plate bobby pins are still not here. I took my envi out of the mail this morning and couldn't figure out why the package was so bendy and non-bobby pin feeling. Then I discovered they weren't bobby pins. They better be here tomorrow, I'm getting annoyed. In addition, I just received an email from USPS that the premade corkers I ordered on the 16th were shipped. Yesterday. Yeah... so they sat around for two weeks before even hitting the mail for another two. I'm not really happy about that. At all. That almost deserves negative feedback. Not only did they not ship until yesterday, but the seller did not take the time to see my name in the payment info and instead took the last name from my PayPal info (Mr. Pretties) and Meaghan from the shop's name. Wait, I believe it was Meghan (not spelled right) at that. So, if this package should for some reason end up at the post office I wont be able to pick it up. I am not Meghan ******, and with the spelling that person does not even exist. In all my time buying on Etsy (I have another 'buyers' account not related to Meaghan-Marie) I have never encountered this problem. I hate leaving negative things, especially since she made an effort to ship it to Canada (Although it did take her a week to make a listing reflecting this... and it's totally not that hard to do, like it would take 30 seconds) but I'm just annoyed. I treat my $3 sales as well as my $30 sales and others should too. Not saying I'm the perfect seller or anything like that, in the past two weeks I've had my fair share of postal issues and supply issues that've needed some patching up but I'm hoping that's something we'll avoid with time. So, we wont be seeing fun corkers in the shop anytime soon. Sorry about that. Really sorry be cause that means I'll have to make them now, and that requires using the oven and heating my house far warmer than I like.
While I was opening my envi from the slip-grip lady I found she had this really adorable 'mini card' tucked in there with her logo, name, tagline, and email. Sounds pretty boring, but it is so sweet! It's really high quality and something I'll totally hang onto because it's so cute and fun, way cooler than a business card! She even gave me the website she bought them on. It's www.Moo.Com they've got some great designs premade or you can upload your own (Or not, as i my case where my files are not working correctly...). I think I'll have a super cute logo created and then have some printed up. These put business cards to shame, these are just so perfect, and tiny and kind of feel like a little present even though they're clearly an advertisement. Moo even lets you print several different prints in one order, and the prices are pretty reasonable. 100 mini cards for $20 + shipping. Not bad! I love ordering from Etsy just to see what neat things sellers tuck into their packages, and I never cease to be amazed! Must be that over flowing creativity they (not me) possess.
I did felt some balls lastnight, but only four. I'm going to try to make some more tonight. I think not having the pins to put them on, combined with the fact that they aren't big sellers on Etsy has kind of dampened my motivation. Not that I couldn't sell them as felt beads too. I just don't want to make all these fuzzy cuties and then have them sitting around the house feeling all bad because no one wants them. Then I'll either have to package them for the mom sales or use them, and I'm more likely to use them because I feel bad for them. Poor babies. Maybe they're happier as roving? They actually look really sweet sitting in little glass containers in the kitchen too, so I could use them as decor too ;) I'll think of something.
I'm going to go do something blog worthy now, and then come back and blog about it when my camera is working. I really dislike this camera. Alot.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
It's Wednesday and I Have No Pictures To Share...
This has been a super slow Etsy week and I can't say I'm sorry for it. I've got orders done, I've ordered new supplies, I have one more order to do, and I've got a fat stack of mail to take out in the morning, and I'm done. Hopefully until after The Little Boy Person gets here. That's a funny think to wish, eh? 'Gee I hope I don't make any sales this week!' I'd obviously be stoked if I did, but for right now I'm just going to list things I've got made already and take no customs because I can't promise they'll be out in a timely fashion for atleast the next few weeks. Clippies that I just need to package I can promise will be out and on time. I also have three sets of freebies to send out and once I get 15 replies to my Facebook group I'll have to send out another 30. If I don't hear back from more than, say, two people I'm not sending any out, it really defeats the purpose. I also have to start stocking up for the fall Mom2Mom sales I attend as well as for Little Sprouts Turnabouts. I'm still patiently waiting for my clip cards too... I'm also regretting getting them in pink and brown. I know, I can't believe I just said that either. But it occurred to me during my 3am bathroom break that when I make my clip cards I use cardstock and paper that match or accent the clips and makes them look purdy. Pink and brown is no going to accent, or match most colour combos I sell. This could make them look ugly, and then I wont use them and I'll be back to making my own. Damn it. Well, we'll give it a try, but I can really see myself purchasing new solid coloured cards in a light, light green and light, light pink which are Meaghan-Marie's other colours and tend to match most of what's going on.
I've added a 'vintage' section to Etsy as well. I'm going to see how it goes but I'll probably end up opening a shop especially for fun housy stuff and vintage items. Some how they don't seem to 'flow' with little girl pretties... But I've got so many vintage goodies that could really use some loving elsewhere that it only seems to be the humane thing to do. I may keep some of my housy funs on MMPretties, but only ones that can be used in a baby nursery, or kiddie room. Don't really need a big 'beard' garland in grown up colours cluttering up the rainbow of hair clippies. Just doesn't make sense or look all that cute. I'd love to list my vintage haves today, but again, need to get me some batteries. Or find one of the Little Pretties toys that doesn't need them... Hmm... that's a good idea too, although it may not be profitable because I try to limit the amount of annoying noisy things that require batteries coming into the house... Crap, I actually don't think there is anything that already has batteries that work. Well, tomorrow and Friday we'll be having a list-a-thon, even if I have to take the pictures from my hospital bed ;) That should be fun!
Mr. Pretties promised that if I hadn't had The Little Boy Person by tomorrow I could go to the cheap-o nail place (Not the love-me-some-pink-and-brown spa from my birthday events) and have them remove and reapply my nail polish. I was very excited about this prospect as my toes now look like someone took extra special care to only paint the top halves of them. They aren't chipped or anything, just super grown out. And I spilled white paint on two of them when I was painting my mantel thingies white. I can't get it off. But it appears that Mr. Pretties has now decided he's going on a grocery shopping spree instead. Like we need groceries! Apparently he doesn't understand that I'm on a time line here... he can still go grocery shopping after The Little Boy Person gets here, I on the other hand could go to the toe place, but wont because the amount of complaining and whining I would receive from Mr. Pretties when I got home would undo any good the toe painting would have done for me. Plus, it would pretty well defeat the purpose, I need nice toes so the nice nurses at the hospital have something interesting to look at during delivery ;) I'm sure they've seen more hoo-haws than they'd like to discuss, but how many fun toe nail paintings have they seen? Probably not nearly as many! I was planning on having fun flowers painted on them and everything just for added effect. I think I'll have to rediscuss this situation with Mr. Pretties this evening. He must've over looked these important details when he thought he needed to grocery shop.
PS. If anyone out there loves me, I could really use the Creative Homes magazine, as well as that one that's about prettying flea market finds, and things of that nature. They'd be fab for easy hospital reads, but, I'm not about to spend $7 on a 1.5mm magazine. Sorry. I'm stingy like that... so if anyone has them laying around just let me know. Unless you're in the US or the likes, then don't let me know because it'll make me cry that you have them and I can't come get them. Thanks. I remember when magazines were $3.50 and that was expensive. $7, that's just ridiculous!
Off to felt some balls and find a chiropractor (or hot bathtub) to do something about this back situation.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sweet, Sweet Garland...
But I promised there would be pictures, and there shall. This is the mantel before:
-->Please insert blushing and horribly embarrassed smiley here<-- That's even a water wing on the mantel there, and my outdoor bunnies awaiting their paint job. Could it be any uglier? This was taken lastnight after the majority was done, again, really crappy pictures/lighting but you get the idea.
Now this is without the garland. I like the new whiteness of all of it. Since I couldn't get a close-up without it being black I'll describe for you ;) To the left is my outdoor cement bunnies, now white. They have chocolate brown and light green neckties. In the center is an antique tin that used to have horrible ugly vintage fruits on it. I painted it white and added the same chocolate brown satin ribbon and light green swiss dot ribbon around it and added some flowers. To the right is a full place setting of solid white dishes with the same ribbon spilling out. It sounds stupid but IRL it looks really cute.
This is this afternoon after I tied my little hands off making this garland. The green isn't the right colour, but when you're shopping WalMart's remnants section (Ps. WalMart in Canada has all of it's fabric 50% off currently as it's doing away with the fabric section FYI) so it's comprised of green sheer, chocolate brown sheer, chocolate brown minky, white linen, white flannel, white satin ribbon, green swiss dot ribbon, black and white ribbon, and moss green roving (Have you noticed this roving is working into WAY too many projects now? Me too... but I just love it...)
These are the colours up close:
I had my *LAST* (Do you hear me Little Boy Person?!) obstetrics appointment this morning. I really hate these appointments. With the Big Little Pretty they were so exciting and made the time go by so much quicker! With the Little Little Pretty they were exciting to begin with, but after going 12 days late they quickly got old.
Dr: 'Have you had any contractions?'
Me: 'No'
Dr: 'Any weird discharge?'
Me: 'No'
Dr: 'Any questions?'
Me: 'No'
Dr: 'Wow, you're having a boring pregnancy!'
Me: 'Thanks'
You can only have that conversation so many times before it loses the hilarity. This time we even have a new Dr and are using a different hospital, so they should be exciting again, right? Wrong. Accept this time the waiting chairs are always full (Not always by pregnant people either... jerks...) and you have to stand in the cement hall. Usually for an hour before being seen for your 30 second appointment. There is one bathroom in this area where patients from three different OBs need to pee in a cup, as well as anyone else in the hospital who also needs to pee. This causes a fair bit of chaos. And annoyance. Then I proceed to have the same conversation as above. I'm not even due for another three days and there's already talk of induction. No thanks. Also if I don't deliver by this weekend I'll have to have a completely different Dr. Essentially that is fine, accept that we chose this hospital and this Dr for the purpose of seeing the same person and knowing who was going to deliver, versus with the other two having no idea. So it's not that we haven't gone this route before, we just didn't plan to this time. I even researched this Dr. to make sure it would be a good match, and for what? So someone else can deliver anyway? What was the point?! I suppose I'm being hormonal and overreacting, but still. Aunt Pretty is also moving this weekend making The Little Boy Person's arrival on the weekend a little inconvenient for most as the Little Pretties need to go to Aunt Pretties so Mr. Pretties can come with me. Although I could really go myself, Mr. Pretties almost missed it the last two times anyway... So I asked the Dr. if The Little Boy Person was in position and ready to make his way out and he said... 'Who can really tell?' Great. Who knows. I stood in a non- air conditioned hallway for an hour, listening to a newborn scream because the mom is 'putting her on a schedule' (That is the worst sound to hear, breaks my heart!), to hear 'Who knows!'. He could have lied. He could have said 'Any minute now! Watch for signs because I can just tell he's practically knocking at the door!' and that would have made me happy. Even if it wasn't true and wasn't going to happen. Saying 'Who knows' and discussing induction dates with me is not conducive to a happy person. Having to book an appointment with a different Dr. for next week also does not make me a happy person. The prospect of still being pregnant in two weeks having an induction makes me really unhappy. I think I'll just skip next weeks appointment and save myself the swollen legs and disappointment.
Mr. Pretties came home from work and I was stoked to show him the ragamuffin sweetie, even though I may not keep her (If she doesn't sell she's always welcome here ;) ) I still think she's darling and full of whimsy and character. He looked at it, put on his serious face and barely croaked out 'Yeah that looks nice' before falling into hysterical laughter. Which only became worse the more angry I got. Apparently, the garland is too 'bushy' and makes the fireplace look like it has a beard. I should take half of the fabric out and make a second one since this one is so full. Right. Like he's a knowledgeable source about whether or not my garland is too fluffy or bushy or whatever. I think I'm a better source of trendy info. How rude. Does he not understand that I will be suffering from severe arthritis or something from ripping all that fabric and tying all those knots? Probably not...
Monday, July 28, 2008
Okay So Updates Will Have to Wait Until Tomorrow...
Mr. Pretties will be home from work in approximately six minutes to clean up this disaster. He wont be happy. I don't even think the beauty of the mantel will erase the images of spilled paint in the kitchen courtesy of The Little Pretty. Nope, I really don't think so.
Off to put the wet curtains in the dryer since I'm not really a huge fan of people outside my house watching me sleep... Mr. Pretties likely wouldn't be thrilled either... Can't someone else be doing this?!
I Should Be Painting Outdoor Rabbits...
So on this evenings agenda (I have a love/hate affair with procrastination too...) I need to break out the paint and paint five mirrors for over my mantel because my mantel is butt ugly right now, probably has been for the last two years... and I need to do something about it. I tried just avoiding the living room altogether but it's not as easy as it sounds. So after I paint these mirrors, I need to hang them. I have zero patience for hanging things, we'll see how that plays out. Then I need to shop my basement for several accenty type things that can have a coat of white paint slapped on them and stuck on the mantel and pretend they belong there and were always white. So far I have out door rabbits. White rabbits can be sort of shabby chic/country/elegant, right? We'll see. I keep imagining these great white bottles with puke green candles in them for one side, but I don't have the bottles, or the candles, or puke green paint, and I don't think simply imagining them will make them appear. Crap. I'll see what I can dig up. I have to do laundry too... like I do five times a day, every. single. day. But I figure if the living room stops looking like garbage Mr. Pretties wont even notice the laundry that he'll have to take care of tomorrow before *hopefully* my last obstetrics appt. Mr. Pretties also has a hate-on for the living room, but doesn't have the ability to make it not ugly so that falls into my lap. I put it off for, oh, about six months now, telling him that I need a piece of baseboard to re frame the big mirror with to make it bigger, as well as some crackle medium, cream paint, antiquing medium, and a mitre saw. These supplies have yet to arrive... now I have no choice but to do a half rear ended job just with what I have. Trust me, it will not look even in the same realm of goodness that it would have if I'd had these very important supplies. I'll still take some after pictures, provided the camera hasn't already eaten the batteries I found for it yesterday.
I also have a really cool idea for new clippies involving candy wrappers (Trust me, it's cute) that I'll be working as soon as Mr. Pretties brings me some candy... I'll post about it. Then I'll put it on Etsy. I swear with all the stuff I'm giving away lately I'll have nothing on Etsy soon. That's actually okay though, I enjoy giving stuff away. Most of the time.
I purchased new clip-gripper yesterday, I had it custom cut and everything so it'll save me loads of time. Maybe now I'll be able to go to bed at 3:45 instead of 4am! Yessss! But I'm excited to try it out and see how it compares to the old gripper. I'm hoping this stuff is atleast comparable if not better so I can switch over. It just looks nicer and easier to work with. I hate working with the gripper I have now, it's a nightmare. This will be added to my magnet experiment as well. I may just have both of them be an option on Etsy since different things will work for different people ;) I also purchased custom clip cards. Woohoo! For those who have never received a package from me you wont know that I make all my shipping envelopes as well as my clip cards, thank you cards, and sometimes the tissue paper. This means that each order takes me a long time to assemble. These clip cards are ofcourse pink and brown ;) And will match my business cards whenever I order them (Did I already order them? Who knows!) and they'll be super cute and all I'll have to do is slice them down the sides for the clips to go in. I can even do this with my pink and brown paper cutter. I'm very excited about that. I was going to post a picture of them, but, I'm an idiot and I deleted it already. I hate it when I'm all efficient like that, it usually bites me in the rear end.
This post is crappy, but I'll be back in a couple hours (Hopefully) with pictures and fun stories of all the dumb things I did while I was trying to make my living room non-craptastic!
Friday, July 25, 2008
I Think We Passed Family Time 101...

I really love it. I could be bigger. Way bigger. But it's the right size to hang on that little shelf in the kitchen. No that's not a string going across the top of the shelf rungs, it's a dried up rose that looks a lot more appealing in person ;)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Cupcakes, Roving, and Sales - Oh My!
I have this old window/mirror frame (Not really sure... if anyone knows drop me a line)
and again, if anyone knows how to fix this sideways picture issue, other than expecting me to remember not take pictures this way, let me know. So, I have this old mirror/window frame. It had no glass or mirror. It's only about 2'x2.5' and was $5.00 at a flea market a few months ago. I had no use for it and nowhere to hang it, but I just couldn't leave it behind. It's been moved around my house numerous times since then, never finding a spot that felt 'right', several places that felt 'mildly acceptable until further notice' but just not 'right'. 'Right' is important.
I was discussing this piece on the Etsy chat lastnight and there's a shop owner there who sells really cute vintage/antique stuff like this at :

Honestly, how cute is that?! I could marry it! Anywho... she had this great idea to use it has a bulletin board! Did you hear that?! What a great idea, why didn't I think of it?! It'll be so easy too and very unspendy. I just need some cardboard, foam/batting, staples, some black satin ribbon, and some black and cream toile. It will be stunning and then it will go in my kitchen and serve a purpose. I haven't done it yet, I need to obtain myself some black and cream toile first, but I just know it will look 'right' and I'll be able to sigh a sigh of relief. I really hate it when I have cute things that don't seem to work anywhere. I tried to explain this bulletin board concept to Mr. Pretties. You can pretty much imagine how that went. Something to this effect. I love it because you can really feel the love.
Me: 'A girl on Etsy gave me this fantastic idea about what to do with that old frame on the mantel'
Mr. Pretties: 'Throw it out?'
Me: 'Uh... No. Don't be rude. She said I should make it into a bulletin board! I could cover it with black and cream toile!'
Mr. Pretties: 'What's toile?'
Me: 'It's fabric don't worry about it. but-'
Mr. Pretties: '- I don't have time to go to the fabric store today! I have to sleep you know, I have to work tonight!'
Me: 'Did I say we were going to the fabric store today?! At what point did I say that?! And you have to work? Do you know how much work Etsy is?! Do you!? Pshh... never mind, when you wonder why I stop telling you things this is why!'
Mr. Pretties: 'You're going to stop telling me? Why didn't I think of this before! I'm a genius!'
Uh huh. Whatever, that's what I was thinking. As I said, it's all about the love. Some how Mr. Pretties has a brain wire malfunction that we're working on that makes him think when I say something it means we need to be doing it immediately this second or the world will come to an end. It's a little bit annoyingish. But we're working on it. But, my bulletin board will be fabbity fab, I can tell because I can see it in my head ;)
I added more new clips to Etsy lastnight and this morning and out of that came 15 sales! FIFTEEN. I'm so glad it's for clippies I already had made and just have to make the packaging and cards (Have I told you I really wish my clip cards were here already?!) tonight and send them out in the morning which is awesome! I'm so glad customers liked my new clips as much as I did. I have to say I'm a little bit sad about the pink and brown scrapbook series going. I sort of had a personal attachment to them. I'm sure their new owner will love them as much as I did. She bought all of my pink and brown clips in fact, atleast I know she appreciates the whole pink and brown thing as much as I do :) That's sort of important. I personally like these new shiny ones:
I still have to make clippies tonight, I was wrong. I bought a whole whack of new stuff to incorporate into some OOAK clippies. I tried to get some really fun pictures but my camera is having major attitude and didn't want to. That's okay, it'll look cuter when I'm done. As a preview I have tiny pink glass tiles with initials (think monogrammed clippies), silver tiles with initials that look really fancy, bees, flowers, blue rhinestones, and some new ribbon. I have a vision for the pink tiles (Both for a furniture project as well as a clippie!) and I'm anxious to get on it. That wont be happening until Mr. Pretties is off to work and The Little Pretties are off to bed. So, let's say sometime tomorrow. Or never. I'll work something out. I'll try to stop crafting before 1am though. No one should have to suffer like that again...
Monday, July 21, 2008
Who Needs More Old Furniture?

Saturday we were supposed to be on a mission to obtain another window shaker. We got two blocks away and spotted a street sale. We pretty much stopped garage saling when we got the Buick (No, not a nice Buick. An 11 year old Buick Park Ave that's like a really big luxury thorn in my side). For some reason the Buick makers (Yes, I said Buick makers because I'm not looking up who makes them, you can though) are under the impression that persons who drive Buicks do not 'do' garage sales. Or flea markets. Or antique shows. It does however have a very nice peek-through hole thing in the back seat that would be splendid for, say, skis, or golf clubs... apparently we are not well matched with our vehicle. But, to get back on track here, we went to this street sale. As soon as we turned the corner I saw this:
They're both pink grosgrain on a wide chocolate brown satin ribbon. The one on the left says 'Cherish' on a shiny silver plate with clear rhinestones and the one of the right says 'Princess' on a silver metal heart with a pink rhinestone. Can't wait to get better pictures because they look really garbagy here while they're actually so cute. They're part of my 'scrapbooking' theme. I have a nice purple set too that's neat, but we'll have to wait for them. Wow. I can't believe how horrible these pictures are. They didn't look this bad when I uploaded them to Etsy. Maybe they did and I was in denial. Stupid batteries!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Attention Winners
Thank you!
If I haven't heard back by Friday I'll have Big Little Pretty draw more numbers :)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Allow Me To Share...
If you see this, do not, I repeat, do not bend over to pick it up. You'll regret it, it's a set up Old Navy has going to get you to purchase pants you do not need. I've warned you. And do you know what Mr. Pretties said? 'It's not that big of a deal!'. Not that big of a deal? We'll see what's not a big deal when some how the seam in his work pants comes loose suddenly when he's going commando. Mr. Pretties works in a factory, his fellow employees would love this. So would I. Just watch your rear end Mr. Pretties... you wont know when, you wont know how... but your 'boys' will certainly know what it's like to hang in the breeze...
And in case you've seen this post's time stamp, and see it's before 7am, on a Saturday, and I am not a morning person and you're wondering why on earth I am up early on possibly my last Saturday to sleep in (How'd you like that run on sentence?) it's because our landpeople are having a garage sale to clear out some of their antique market stash. Outside my bedroom window. Starting at 6:30am. This is in fact entirely unacceptable. Especially since I cannot go out there and purchase the tiny antique washstand with mirror that I've had my eye on since last summer. Now some moron will buy it to see at the market to someone else who will never love it like I would. There's even a small space exactly it's size to fit in my kitchen. Oh the good times we could share... It might already have been sold. I haven't checked. I debated sneaking out the front door to do a grab and run but a few things stopped me. 1) I'm too fat to run 2) I'm too fat to carry a cupboard complete with a mirror 3) I'm too fat to run, carrying a cupboard with a mirror, up the front steps and now draw attention by any of the other 4 people manning the garage sale. I guess I'm SOL. They don't have kids so I can't pay with hair clippies either. Oh the humanity.
Here is a set one of three OOAK clips that were done this morning. I want to keep them. I used a felty ball.
By the way, I purchased a felting needle yesterday on clearance at Michael's. Also some green roving, some adorable jewel embellis, some ribbon for a custom, and some cute soap. The soap is because I'm so lame. I was looking at the little soaps in these cute little primitive wrappers and I read a black one with red cherries all over it 'Life is a chair of bowlies' Yup. I'm such a dork I laughed out load in the aisle. Then I bought, laughed in the car again and showed Mr. Pretties. He gave me that look again, you know the one, where perhaps I was dropped off from another planet? He just didn't get it, with it's little primitive chair full of little primitive bowlies... Okay maybe I'm the only one who gets it. I also think the word 'bowlies' is cute...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
And The Winners Are...
Congratulations winners!! I hope this was fun. I have to take the kids to a farm or something now... don't ask... but I'll be in touch with the winners this afternoon to get shipping info and basic preferences :)
We'll have to do this again soon, maybe when I have my felt ball pins done! That could be fun ;)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Can't Someone Else Think Up The Titles...

I have a stray cat. His name is Ralphie. Ralphie randomly showed up on our door step about a month ago. My cats wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp. He just wanted something to eat. Mr. Pretties just wanted him to get run over by a truck. I let him in. He's orange. I think I love him a

I just remembered. I purchased some new roving yesterday. Do you remember what I told you that was? Cute fuzzy wool for me to make more felty balls with! Woohoo! I bought the bobby pins too, but that's not all that exciting, it doesn't even deserve a picture. If you need to see a
I also bought this bag of cuteness:

Today's pick up customer can't come until tomorrow. It's kind of like having a great Christmas present all wrapped and ready to give someone and then having to wait. I'm not good at that! That's why I don't wrap (Or buy anything for that matter...) until super close to Christmas. If I do either any earlier than that I'll end up telling you what I bought or just giving it to you. I simply can't contain myself. That's okay, maybe I'll be able to go out and get some tissue paper now ;) I'm sure Mr. Pretties wont mind making a special trip out of the house simply for this reason. He loves tissue paper as much as the next guy... I guess that wouldn't be very much, eh? Probably not. But indirectly he loves it... if he loves me, and I love tissue paper, wouldn't that mean he loves tissue paper too? And Ralphie? I think I'll go with that thought process. I'm glad Mr. Pretties doesn't read the blog or he'd be disillusioning me left and right - I think I get enough of that in real life, I can do without.
I'll be back this afternoon if I come upon anything fun to type about. This hasn't been a genius blogging day let me tell you. I think all this envelope making is eating my charm or something. Maybe it's the fact that I didn't get to bed until 2am because I was too involved in packaging, filling orders, making envelopes, editing Etsy, starting this post for the blog (Yes, I drafted it at 2am) and other such hair clip related things. That reminds me I have to make an appt. at Melonhead ( for the Big Little Pretty to have her hair cut and thinned out (It's like a bush, it's crazy) and conveniently that beauty supplier who supplies my alligator clips is in the same plaza. Sweet. I need me some clips bad as I'm already out of the 200 I bought a couple weeks ago!
PS. I shh.... shoot you not my digital card reader just arrived from Hong Kong!! That shipping was faster than anything I've ever gotten from the US! Woohoo!!
~* Meaghan-Marie Pretties - Clip Giveaway! *~

You can view hair clips: