Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Welcome to White Wednesday #1

Good afternoon gals! Hopefully it’s a good one wherever you’re popping in from, it’s pretty grey and drizzly over here in Southern Ontario, so not so good on our home front!

Today we’re going to partake in Faded Charm’s White Wednesday (#15 for them, #1 for us here at The Pretties) posting, which I lurve because in the last few months not much in our house is anything but white ;)  Mr. Pretties says it’s like living in a hospital… Erm… I guess that could be so, if hospitals are now sporting chippy lead paint laden items, which I doubt they are.  Honestly, after all these years, he still doesn’t get it ;)

So on with the show we will! 


An old shabby birdcage, no bird lives here, but it’s so fun to have around the house, I think it’s lived in every room atleast once.


The detail on the columns holding up our cozy verandah, flaked with dirt and perfectly crazed white paint…


An old vintage rocker waiting for someone to come over and take a seat… in the mean time it will keep company with what’s left of this seasons flowers…


What used to be white, is now yellowed with age, old vintage love songs faded with time…


Weathered paint like this can’t be reproduced, one seasons of hard Ontario winters and summers filled will children’s comings and goings can give this kind of sweetness…


Rows of luscious vintage linen pillowcases with some of the most wonderful crocheted lace and lovingly embroidered hems, how delish to have them out drying on the line, collecting it’s warm rays…


And lastly, an old depression era dresser patiently waiting for the return of it’s hardware and mirror after it was given a new leash on life, soon she will be up for sale to live out her days in the adoration of others…

Happy White Wednesday!!!



Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thrifty Treasure Monday!

Good Morning Folks! How are you all doing out their in bloggy land? Hand a thrifty weekend some of you?  I hope so as we're grabbing onto the tail of Rhoda's Thrifty Treasure Monday Mr. Linky party - the last of this thrifting season so it's a finale!! If you're like me and the next best thing to grabbing yourself some fab treasures is looking at others found treasures head over to Rhoda's blog at Southern Hospitality to check it out!!!

We're find garage sale-ing in Southern Ontario is really not so hot this year (Much like the summer…)!  We started the season full blast, we were up before the birds, grabbed out local papers, mapped out routes, and grabbed ourselves some pieces of marvelousness.  Oh wait, that last part didn't seem to happen for us...  Even our dear friends who sell at Canada's oldest and largest antique market (Aka. Aberfoyle Antique Market) are finding that finding stock is definitely not as plentiful as last year, or previous years, if not completely impossible! Could there be a shortage of junk?! Thoughts like that bring back plans to head over the border and take a visit to Brimfield, but I feel certain Mr. Pretties would not covet that plan quite as much as I would... What do you think guys?

Thank all things junk worthy that some dear soul invented Kijiji as that's where we get all our thrifty finds, along with splits and splots from the local thrift and benevolent shop that always have some little bits for a quarter or so - that's the kind of deal that gives you a good old fashioned adrenaline rush, isn't it girls?!

On Saturday (and Friday, but that's another story involving Mapquests inability to give accurate directions, or my inability to read them...) we headed out to Welland to pick up 35 old window sashes, Mr. Pretties thought I was kidding when I told him we needed to make a 75 minute trip one way to pick up old windows.

Haha, he should know better than that! I plan to use them as green houses/garden conservatories and tables - SO fun! The nice gentleman was selling these sweethearts for that big fat price tag of 71 cents each.  Yes, less than a dollar.  At the market they generally fetch $10 each, more if they're in as fine condition as these that also include all the latches, and hinges complete with the screws ;)  We managed to bring the first 20 home, we're going back Friday to grab the remaining 15 and then heading to Brantford to grab a dozen 120 year old wavy glass windows that will be a really fun find, and a thrifty treasure at  $1.66 each.  I really don't know what I'll do with those guys, but I'm sure I can find something...  I even though if they're the right size we could replace a couple of the outer cupboards in our kitchen with two of the wavy glass sashes and put some fab vintage hardware on them.

So here's the first part of our window stash:


I don't even want to think about the amount of spiders Mr. Pretties had to vacuum out of the car following this trip *shudder* but there they are! 


The best part is, we're currently negotiating a move into a bigger house, which means we'd get to move them all AGAIN! Isn't that the best?


This entire mantlescape (like tablescape but on a mantle, that’s okay right?) is all thrifted recently!


I snagged this set of four Arcoroc pink Depression Glass dishes for $2.00, the Crown 1950’s canning jars were $.50 a piece, the shabby lamp was $1.00, the enormous cutlery tray (I think it may actually be for tools…) was on it’s way to Aberfoyle with our friends but I scooped it up first and got a great day – FREE! It’s in the middle of becoming white as you can see ;)  This piece of salvage that looks like a mini barbell


came from the Christie Antique Show that Mr. Pretties and I attended for the first time ever (and maybe the last, it was crazy!!!) and I think it’s from a porch, but at $4.00 it was my one and only souvenir from Christie and I love it’s chippy, dirty goodness! And lastly is an old glassless window frame that’s chippy and crankly and always seems to find a place of prominence around here.

So gals, what did you thrift this week/month/year? We all want to know about it!!!  Myself especially since we'll be getting about 500 months of winter anytime now and wont even recognize a garage sale by next spring, help a winter burdened girl out!


XO Jenn ;)